In the spring of 2020, TEHIK completed the new self-service of the Labour Inspectorate.

The main objective of the Information System of the Labour Inspectorate (TEIS) is to support the employer in creating a good working environment. TEIS facilitates communication between the Labour Inspectorate and the employer and helps to reduce the administrative burden of the companies. Employees can also see information about themselves and their company in TEIS.


TEIS has been developed for more than five years now and a number of important services for employers have been added:

  • Comfortable and fast forwarding of information from representatives of the work environment;
  • Communication with the Labor Inspectorate during the supervision procedure and delivery of the necessary documents;

  • The ability to create a risk analysis and an action plan;

  • Investigation of occupational accidents;

  • Registration and the permitting of underage employees;

  • Registration of  dispatched employees.


A safer work environment

In spring of 2021, a tool for the assistance of evaluating risks was added to TEIS. With the help of the new service, each representative of the company will be able to assess the risks of the working environment and add measures to the action plan to lower and eliminate the risks.  The Irish BeSmart solution was used as an example for the risk analysis module, which was adapted and supplemented to suit Estonian conditions.

At the end of 2022, a service for investigating occupational accidents, occupational diseases, and illnesses caused by work was launched. Through the new module, employer representatives can quickly and easily register a workplace accident and submit their own investigation results to the Labour Inspectorate.

New opportunities

In the spring and summer of 2023, the self-service platform introduced services for the registration of underage employment and dispatched employees.

Regarding underage employment, employers can submit additional information for inspection by the Labour Inspectorate. The employer also receives a notification along with guidelines to be followed when hiring underage workers.

The module for dispatched employees allows both foreign companies and Estonian host companies to register foreign employees starting work in Estonia.

Services for employees and private individuals

In the self-service platform today, there is also a range of services designed for both employees and private individuals. As an employee, you can review the risk analysis submitted by your company and identify the workplace representatives for your company. By selecting a personal account upon entering the self-service, individuals can access information related to workplace accidents, submit documents to the Labour Inspectorate if desired, and communicate with an inspector. In the underage employment module, parents can view information about their children's employment, and a parent can provide consent for their child to start working, which is mandatory for working children of certain ages.

Self service portal will be further developed

Like the city of Tallinn, TEIS will never be quite finished. The development of new services continues, as well as the improvement of already existing ones, based on user feedback and financial opportunities.

In the spring of 2024, a new service for occupational health service providers (TTO) will be completed. The employer can give the TTO access to their data and the TTO can get acquainted with the employer's general information, risk analysis and information about occupational accidents. The service will be developed further even after the introduction of the initial functionality.

In the spring of 2024, an opportunity will also be created in the self-service portal for the employer to get an overview of the salary gap in their company. The data and statistics of the salary mirror are compiled by Statistics Estonia, which participates in the development of this module.

An analysis and development process is underway for a service aimed at resolving labour disputes; in the future, this service will enable employees to submit applications through the self service portal, facilitating the involvement of both the employee and the employer in the resolution of labour disputes.


TEHIK has set a goal that the self-service portal would be based on modern technology as much as possible and located in the State Cloud. The State Cloud allows the use of the Kubernetes tool for orchestrating containers. Thanks to this, we have had the opportunity to perform fast sprints with our partner in the development of smaller services. The whole process has been more flexible than projects based on older solutions. A microservices-based cloud solution has already demonstrated its effectiveness. Systems based on similar principles are used by today's big IT giants such as Netflix, Spotify or Google. For example, the delivery of new functionalities to the production environment may take place even in the middle of a working day. For example, when the State Cloud updated the operating system of the servers that provide the platform, there were no interruptions in our services. It is

Development partners

  • Tripledev
  • Trinidad Wiseman

Development codes are stored in the code repository 

