The goal of the national e-booking system is to simplify the appointment process for individuals seeking specialist doctor appointments. This solution provides patients with the freedom to find and book appointments with doctors from one centralised platform, eliminating the need to call various healthcare institutions or use appointment booking systems from healthcare providers.


  • The national e-booking system is a solution for booking appointments with specialist doctors, which can be accessed HERE
  • With this solution, individuals can book, cancel and modify initial appointments with specialist doctors across all healthcare institutions integrated with this interface, all in one view.
  • All healthcare providers, including private clinics, have the option to join the service if they wish for individuals to see and be able to book initial appointments with specialist doctors in their facility through the national e-booking system.
  • In the national e-booking system, in addition to appointments covered by the Health Insurance Fund, individuals can also book appointments for paid services. In this solution, there is a rule that for services covered by the Health Insurance Fund, whether with a referral or without, individuals can only book one appointment.

Booking appointments with specialist doctors can sometimes be quite a challenge. On occasion, the search for a suitable time may extend over a period of weeks. However, the Appointment Finder can help you! The Appointment Finder is a simple solution born out of a public sector innovation program, which takes the responsibility of finding appointment times in the national e-booking system.

We are testing the Appointment Finder in the national e-booking system in 2022-2024. If you cannot find a suitable appointment in the e-booking system, you can add yourself to the waitlist. The Appointment Finder will notify you via SMS and email when a suitable time becomes available. Appointment Finder reduces people’s time and concerns when searching for appointment times. From the country’s point of view, it provides an opportunity to get a better overview of medical needs within different specialities.

Appointment Finder is initially available for only certain healthcare facilities and specialties.

How does the Appointment Finder work?

How to add yourself to the waitlist:

  • Log into the e-booking system.
  • Fill in the search form for appointments and click ‘SEARCH’
  • If you did not find a suitable appointment, the service you are looking for is in the waitlist of pilot services and a medical institution in the selected area is among the pilot services, the button ‘ADD TO WAITLIST’ will appear on the appointment form.
  • You can add yourself or your representative to the waitlist of both paid services and services funded by the Health Insurance Fund.
  • To use Appointment Finder, you need to specify your preferences: preferred area(s), health care institution(s), payment method(s) and the dates that you are not able to attend the appointment. It is mandatory to provide a mobile phone number and email address so that Appointment Finder can send you appointment offers. After filling in the form, click ‘CONFIRM’.
  • The information you have provided can be seen when clicking on the tab ‘REFERRALS AND BOOKINGS’. From there, you can also change the Appointment Finder settings and if necessary, cancel being on the waitlist.

Confirming the Appointment Finder appointments

  • If an appointment that is suitable for you has been found, the Appointment Finder will send you an SMS and email with an appointment offer.
  • You may either confirm or decline the offer. The offered appointment must be confirmed within 24 hours, either via SMS by sending a short reply ‘CONFIRM’, or in the e-booking system. To cancel, answer with an SMS that says ‘NEW SUGGESTION!’.
  • If the offered time was suitable for you and you confirmed it, you will be removed from the waitlist for the respective medical service. If you are simultaneously in the waitlists for other medical services, you will continue to receive appointment offers for those services.
  • If you have declined or not responded to appointment offers three times in a row, a 14-day break will be imposed on the search for appointment times for you.
  • If you have declined or not responded to appointment offers six times in a row, you will be removed from the waitlist.


What are we currently working on?

We are doing our best to connect the Health Portal and e-booking system. This means that by this summer at the latest, people will have one gateway through which to access both the Health Portal and the e-booking system.


We are adding the option to register for radiological examinations in the e-booking system.

We are testing a convenient notification and waitlist system for cases where individuals do not immediately find a suitable appointment time.