Data requests
Data request - why, for whom and on which conditions?
TEHIK manages a vast amount of data and information that can be used to make decisions or conduct research that are important to society. To request information, please fill in the non-personal data request form and send it to us at: [email protected].
You can download the form here:
In order to obtain personalised data, the person requesting the data must first apply for the permission of the controller of the database .
The exact time of issuing the data will be agreed with the person requesting the data. Data requests are processed in 5 working days, but in case of major inquiries, it may take up to 30 days.
A data request is a request of a natural or legal person to receive information about third parties which is governed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and which TEHIK is authorised to access, within the time limits and structure described by this person.
We have data in the fields of labour, health and social affairs.

187,000 people receive family benefits for € 25.5 million every month. 18,000 people receive parental benefits every month for € 18.6 million.

More than half a million people visit the Working Life Portal every year.

The Health Insurance Fund’s decision support service covers 1.3 million patients. The service is used by 786 family doctors and ja 1636 family nurses. The decision support service supports 130,000 queries per day.