General contact

Pärnu mnt 132, 11317, Tallinn

+372 7943 900

[email protected]

Registration number: 70009770

How to get to us?

Customer support

Every day 7.00-22.00

Phone: +372 7943 943

E-mail: [email protected]



+372 7943 900

[email protected]

Key people

Margus Arm

Margus Arm


[email protected]

Margus leads TEHIK and inspires all the invisible heroes.

Grete Kivi

Grete Kivi

Communications Manager

[email protected] 5323 2696

Grete is responsible for ensuring that TEHIK's messages reach the public at the right time, to the right target groups, and through the right channels. She is the first point of contact for journalists and responds to media inquiries.

Anto Kallas

Anto Kallas

Head of the Information Security Department

[email protected]
Martin Õunap

Martin Õunap

Chief Architect

[email protected]

Martin knows everything about the architecture of TEHIK solutions, thinks outside the box and generally towards cloud solutions.

Roman Kostrõkin

Roman Kostrõkin

Head of upTIS

[email protected]

Roman coordinates the development of e-health IT using modern technologies to take Estonia's healthcare to a new level.

Tanel Tera

Tanel Tera

Head of Business Services Department

[email protected]

Tanel and his team create and develop Estonia's most important e-services in the health, work and social fields.

Epp Immato

Epp Immato

Data Program Manager

[email protected]

Epp is responsible for the implementation of the Social Ministry's priority project 'Data for Decision-Making'.

Maarja Uulits

Maarja Uulits

Head of the Support Services Department

[email protected]
Marje Pihl

Marje Pihl

Chief Financial Officer

[email protected]

Marje and her team keep TEHIK's finances in order.

Kati Ritso

Kati leads the work in the field of human resources, recruitment, and career planning.

Madli Keerd

Madli Merete Keerd

HR Specialist

[email protected]

Madli contributes to the development of TEHIK through organizing recruitment and selection, thereby contributing to the well-being of all Estonian people

Rainer Rohtla

Rainer Rohtla

Head of Work and General Services Field

[email protected]

Under Rainer's leadership, the e-services of the Labor Inspectorate are being developed, and websites and applications for the entire administrative domain are being built.

Tõnis Jaagus

Tõnis Jaagus

Head of Health Division

[email protected]

Tõnis and his team are responsible for the development of our e-services in the field of health.

Viljar Pallo

Viljar Pallo

Head of Health Information System Development Team

[email protected]

Viljar and his team are building next-generation health information system services.

Ingrid Rooda

Ingrid Rooda

Head of Services Team of the State Agency of Medicines

[email protected]

Ingrid and her team help design and develop e-services for the State Agency of Medicines.

Helen Simisker

Helen Simisker

Head of Services of the Health Board Team

[email protected]

Helen and her team create the best e-services and information systems for the Health Board.

Kerli Linna

Kerli Linna

Head of Data Management Team

[email protected]

Kerli and her team ensure that data is universally understandable for everyone.

Epp Laanepõld

Epp Laanepõld

Head of Welfare Field

[email protected]

Epp and her team are responsible for social sector e-services, ensuring that pensions and various types of welfare reach the right place at the right time.

Katre Pukk

Katre Pukk

Team Lead of the Social Services and Benefits Registry (STAR)

[email protected]

Katre and the STAR team help the Social Insurance Board improve the quality and accessibility of social services.

Rainer Ader

Rainer Ader

Head of Analytics Solutions Field

[email protected]

Rainer leads the the field of analytical solutions, with his team specializing in data warehouse construction and the creation of analytical solutions, helping clients maximize the potential of their data and achieve business goals.





Kaido Plovits

Kaido Plovits

Head of Basic Services Department

[email protected]

Kaido has a big picture understanding of managing information systems infrastructure and applications.

Elari Moks

Elari Moks

Head of Microsoft Solutions Team

[email protected]

Elari and his team do everything to ensure that TEHIK and our clients can use Microsoft solutions comfortably and securely.