EU digital COVID certificates
The EU COVID certificate enables those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in Estonia, who have given a negative PCR test or who have had COVID-19 (based on a positive COVID-19 PCR test) to prove the truthfulness of the COVID-19 information submitted to the health care providers' health information system. EU COVID certificate also facilitates cross-border movement. Each certificate is accompanied by a specific EU-compliant QR code, which can only be read by the EU QR code reader application.
Information to the person checking COVID-19 certificates (EST+RUS+ENG)
How to create the EU COVID certificate? Click HERE.
How to check the EU COVID certificate? Click HERE.
Creating the EU COVID certificate
- You can open the created EU digital COVID certificate in the Patient Portal (, download it, save it in your device, or print it out.
- solution enables a safe verification of being vaccinated against COVID-19, of having had COVID-19 or having a negative coronavirus test result.

Latest developments
In June 2021, the countries of the European Union started using the unified COVID-19 certificates system. Estonia was one of the first ones to join the system and starting from June 9th, 2021, there is a possibility to create three types of certificates and to verify them by using the app
In September, the solution was updated, and the so-called layer of Estonian rules was added to the certificate. The result used to be shown to the examiner according to whether the certificate is genuine or not (green or red), after adding the Estonian rules, the examiner will be shown three colours: green (the certificate is valid), orange (the certificate is not compliant with the Estonian vaccination requirements) and red (technical error, certificate not valid).

Järgmisena töötab TEHIK lahenduse kallal, mis annaks välismaal vaktsineeritud eestlastele võimaluse Patsiendiportaali kaudu endale EL tingimustele vastav COVID tõend luua. Lahendus peaks valmima oktoobris.
Next up, TEHIK is working on a solution that would give Estonians who have been vaccinated abroad the opportunity to create a COVID certificate that meets the EU requirements through the Patient Portal. The solution should be completed in October.
The renewed control application shows, whether:
- the vaccination has been completed (1/from 1; 2/from 2, etc);
- at least 14 days has been passed from the latest vaccination (in case of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine Comirnaty – 7 days);
- up to one year has passed from the latest vaccination:
- a negative PCR-test has been given in the last 72 hours;
- a negative rapid test has been given in the last 48 hours;
- over 11 days and no more than 180 days have passed from giving the positive PCR-test
The Ministry of Social Affairs, Guardtime, Nortal, Industry62, Clarified Security, SMIT – the ICT and Development Centre of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police and Border Guard Board have contributed to the project.
The EU COVID certificates and the Estonian control application have been funded by the EU.